
Book Cover for disorder Kids
Album Cover Illustration
Tshirt Design
Book Cover for Kids
Tshirt Design
Tshirt Design
Tshirt Design
Tshirt Design
Book Cover Concept
esports logo for FXR
Book cover for maffick events


"Sandana was great to work with. While the initial designs did not appeal to me, he/she worked hard to come up with something creative and won the contest. He made necessary changes until I was happy. Thank you!"
Foto del perfiljoseph84m reseñado hace 9 días
"Excellent work and in great detail. Definitely will have to work with again."
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 22 días
"Excellent quality, really catchy design, fast responses! "
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace cerca de 1 mes
"The design is amazing. The detail is incredible. The response time is more than professional. A really great job."
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace cerca de 2 meses
"I love the design. I love the creativity of the artist's idea. A professional job from start to finish. Thank you"
Foto del perfilforbiddenauthorF reseñado hace 2 meses