
Explanatory Agency
Hyrogen powering bulk trucking
Help GPS Plumbing with a new logo
New logo wanted for Aussie Energy Solutions
logo for Advantage Studies

Acerca de

I am your brand creator.
10 Years of graphic designs experience &
100% original ideas.
100% original Designs.
101% Creativity.
it's simply me.

Miembro desde: domingo, 02 de mayo de 2010
Concurso ganado
Segundo finalista
Proyectos 1-1
Clientes habituales
Nivel inicial




"Fantastic eye for design. Thank you Dani!"
Foto del perfilPaul8565 reseñado hace casi 3 años
"my pleasure, glad to work with you Mr Paul on this logo design project."
Foto del perfilBa_Dani respondido hace casi 3 años
"I am very happy with the results of the contest!! To get that many idea's for the price is great bang for the buck. The designers were all willing to work in modifying thier designs to my specs. Great web site!!!"
Foto del perfilStevegestner reseñado hace cerca de 9 años
"Thank you for coming out with the design that encompasses what I do. You were good at listening to what I needed and worked on it. Great job!"
Foto del perfildeleted-859414 reseñado hace cerca de 9 años
"Dani_Scale gave me an excellent experience through 99designs. Great designs, prompt response and courteous manner... "
Foto del perfilJonnykav reseñado hace cerca de 9 años
"Dani has done a great job! His design was the first submitted out of 82 designs that took part in the contest and the more design were submitted the more clear I was about choosing the winner! Dani has a great taste, he REALLY hears the needs of the cli..."
Foto del perfilAnnalemeshko reseñado hace cerca de 9 años