Información necesaria
Nombre a incorporar en el logotipo
Complete Creamer
Eslogan a incorporar en el logotipo
Descripción de la organización y el público al que apunta
A natural, healthy, protein-rich liquid coffee creamer targeting athletes/gym-goers who take protein supplements, as well as health-conscious daily coffee drinkers in packaging that sets the product apart from the competition on the shelves.
Alimentos y bebidas
Estilo visual
Colores a explorar

Otros requisitos relativos al color
Atributos de estilo
Diseño de inspiración
A logo with color! Could go for more neon over the 8-pack crayola, but this is uniquie in that it doesn't share the same general features as the others: muted earth tones and more or less the same font. Not particularly sold on this block font, but something unique and with colors, chrome even, could be interesting.
Skulls are overdone, but we would like to have eye-popping packaging on our products like these beers do. Whether that means the logo should be understated or be equally vibrant is up for debate. Not necessarily going for the shock value theme on the beers, but the colors and art style are neat.
Otras notas
Eye-catching logo, and/or sleek memorable logo to pair with vibrant/lively packaging. Gives impression of health/performance if possible. Easily recognizable/original, supports brand recognition; potential for a mascot if it adds to the design. We are not sold on a particular approach, hence why we have come to the creatives. Feel free to take liberty in your creations, they must be original - will be pursuing a trademark afterwards. We are interested to see what the finished products are!
Archivos finales del concurso
1 x Logotipo
Ganador del concurso
1 x Tarjeta de presentación
1 x Membrete
1 x Sobre
1 x Portada de Facebook
Archivos finales
Si usa tipos de letra que requieren licencia, confirme que el cliente esté de acuerdo con su uso. Por motivos de licencias, es mejor proporcionarle a su cliente información sobre cómo adquirir el tipo de letra en lugar de proporcionarle los propios archivos.
El texto en logotipos debe convertirse a letras sin relleno.
Plus: Colorful, obvious what the product is
Cons: Colors are juvenile, cartoonish