Important: While I want the logo to look good when big, I'll need it to still look good as a 200 by 80 pixel image (the size I get to upload to my site's header for the logo). It doesn't have to be that exact dimension, but it'll have to be able to fit in there and look good when I shrink it down. I'm open to colors, but I also think a black / brown / gold could look good (or maybe without gold, let's see). Black and brown considering that's the color of black people. I think a picture of a black woman could be good, a woman with an afro. Maybe just her head and hair, but I'm open to ideas. If you could do a picture of a black woman and a black man I'd be open to seeing if that can work too without looking too busy. Lastly, I'll need the logo to look good in black and white, as well as the original colors you design it in. I'll update as I start seeing suggestions.
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