Información necesaria
Nombre a incorporar en el logotipo
Eslogan a incorporar en el logotipo
Descripción de la organización y el público al que apunta
For ( target customer )
Small wholesalers in fashion, footwear, textiles and furniture
Who ( having problems )
Has difficulty handling large transaction volumes and products in many dimensions with their current ERP solution
Garp ( our option )
Is an industry-specific ERP
Which ( problem-solving qualities and abilities )
Is easy to use and get started with and provides complete support for the entire business from quote to payment
• Stable system developed in close cooperation with customers
• Easy to get help through our educational support
• Access to services and solutions through experienced value added resellers and consultants
• Affordable to run and easy to upgrade
• Ready to use and contains everything you need
Unlike other ERP systems (key features and key characteristics ) , we offer an industry-specific ERP system that is ready to use and with support for models, variants and sizes and includes modules for order, inventory, purchasing, finance , manufacturing, project management and time tracking.
Estilo visual
Tipos de logotipo

Logotipo a usar
- Online (sitio web, publicidad en línea, banners publicitarios, etc.)
- Material impreso (tarjetas de empresa, membretes, folletos, etc.)
- Merchandising (tazas, camisetas, etc.)
Preferencias de color
See, brand manual
Otros requisitos relativos al color
Atributos de estilo
Diseño de inspiración
Otras notas
Our company name is Jeeves. We currently develop, sell and implement/distribute two ERP products Jeeves and Garp. Yes we have one product with the same name as our company, we try to say Jeeves ERP when we mean the product. Potentially we will host GARP in Amazon Cloud (AWS). We are a venture cap financed company and we will grow through acquisitions, meaning we will buy more ERP systems in Europe. So one thought is to have the same style for Jeeves ERP and Garp and the other ERP products. You find the current Jeeves logo with the bowtie. We have played with the Garp logo our selves applying a bowtie. The old Garp logo is attached. If we keep a symbol with the logo we would like to use the symbol as start icon for the user.
Archivos finales del concurso
Archivos finales
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